With regards to our ICS Video, we first consulted with MDAS the format of how they wanted their video to be. After hearing from them, they informed us that they wanted an informative video, explaining the different components of their Integrated Care Services (ICS), as well as a brief introduction of the organisation. Also, MDAS advised us to produce the video to be 5-7 in order for it to not be long winded. After being given the requirements and details of the video, we first started our brainstorming session within our team. After much discussion, we all felt that an interviewstyle video would be the best approach as we find that it is an approach which viewers can really relate to. We also planned how we wanted the video to be shot as shown in our ideation process above. Once we discussed the general layout and flow of the video, we started to begin drawing up our storyboard. This was done so as to provide an overall visualtionation of the video as well as to better sequence our shots. After showing our client our storyboard, our client wanted some changes to be done. This was due to an inaccurate portrayal of the components within their ICS. An example was their transport component, which was previously from their ICS services, however due to changes, it was removed. Due to these changes, a 2nd storyboard had to be made. Concurrently, we also prepared questions for the staff at MDAS to give them an idea of how the interview will be conducted. After making amendments with our storyboard, we presented to our client our second draft. Our client gave us feedback on certain shots in which they wanted minor changes hence changes have to be made. Due to it being minor changes, we decided to redraw and present the specific shots instead of redrawing the entire storyboard. At the same time, our client presented us with their script of the interview and informed us of the interviewees who will be questioning. Once pre production was settled, we started with our filming on set. As for production, things turned out smoothly. At the start, there were minor difficulties with audio such as the lavalier mic being too soft and not being able to pick up the interviewee’s voices. We also faced lighting difficulties such as adjusting the intensity and the colour temperature. However, after fixing these technical difficulties, everything went as planned albeit the occasional interviewee slip ups.