Graduate Portfolios

Media Production: Multi-Camera Crew

Lim Shi Yu
Hello there! My name is Lim Shi Yu and I am 22-year-old.

During my free time, I love to learn new things by exploring different softwares such as Spark AR, and trying out different tools from Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I am not only passionate in designing, but madly in love with photography and video editing too.

I found my passion in design when I was studying back in Institute of Technical Education. As I was in Retail and Online Business course, I have learned about digital marketing, and was taught in the use of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver and InDesign. I design sermon slides in my church, and I freelanced at The Mad Theory as a Creative Executive.

​I have always believed that a single piece of artwork is able to impact many. Thus, I would want to use my story through a piece of artwork to be a voice to others. In addition, using my artworks and designs to bring across love and hope to those who needs it.